The purpose of the PADD Transportation Program is to support the KYTC Statewide Planning Process.  The PADD is responsible mainly for the coordination of public input, analysis of data, identification and evaluation of transportation needs in the region, and the subsequent evaluation and prioritization/ranking of needs on the KYTC Unscheduled Needs List (UNL) for possible inclusion in the KYTC Highway Plan.  The statewide planning process involves local governments, the general public, and the PADD Regional Transportation Committee.

Regional Transportation Planning
The purpose of the Regional Transportation Program is to define the regional transportation activities to be conducted by the Purchase Area Development District (PADD) in support of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC). The program provides coordination of the public review and input process for regional transportation planning, which is later incorporated into the KYTC Statewide Plan. This process was established to identify, evaluate, and prioritize transportation needs for possible implementation in the future.

Public Transportation
Through the Section 5311 Public Transportation Program, PADD staff provides technical assistance to area public transportation providers.  This effort includes providing assistance in obtaining financial aid, communicating new policies, procedures, and legislative requirements to providers, and coordination between agencies when necessary.

GIS/GPS Mapping
We turn data into cartographic information, to visualize, explore, query, and present them in the form of MAPS: County MAPS, City MAPS, Water System MAPS and Sewer System MAPS; Comprehensive Plan MAPS, Highway Planning MAPS, 911 Response MAPS; Economic Development MAPS, Natural Hazard Risk MAPS and Natural Disaster Response MAPS, yes maps, hard copy MAPS or computer MAPS.

Hazard Mitigation
With the escalation of natural hazard events throughout the region, hazard mitigation has become a prominent topic for communities. The Purchase Area Development District has assisted the region with the development and subsequent updates of the multi-hazard, multi-jurisdictional hazard mitigation plan.

Paducah-McCracken Metropolitan Planning Organization

Water & Wastewater
The water service coordinator provides planning assistance to local governments, water, and wastewater utilities. Also, the water service coordinator gathers and compiles system data for the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority.

Local Government Assistance
The Community Development Assistance Program brings the PADD’s expertise into the areas of project development and management. Staff work with local communities and organizations to bring their projects to reality, be it a water line, community center or health department, or a local business working to expand its operations. Our services include assistance in finding the right funding sources, writing grant and loan applications, and providing needed project management services.

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy