The PADD is governed by those we serve. Our board of directors includes judge/executives, mayors, and citizen members from the eight counties Purchase Region, including Ballard, Calloway, Carlisle, Fulton, Graves, Hickman, Marshall, and McCracken. Over 250 community members actively participate in committees and task forces that provide input and guidance to the program areas they support. Funding for these programs is provided through a blending of federal, state, and local funding sources.

Board of Directors Officers

ChairmanMayor Rita Dotson, City of Benton
Vice ChairpersonBallard County Judge/Executive Todd Cooper
SecretaryMr. Kenneth ‘Pete’ Galloway
TreasurerHickman County Judge/Executive Kenny Wilson
Ms. Tamie Johnson, Citizen Representative

Current Members

Ballard County Members   Judge/Executive Todd Cooper
Ms. Cathy Pigg, Official Designee for Mayor David Phillips, City of Wickliffe
Mr. Justin Puckett  
Calloway County Members  Judge/Executive Kenny Imes
Mayor Bob Rogers, City of Murray
Mr. Mark Manning
Ms. Sue Outland
Carlisle County Members Judge/Executive Greg Terry
Mr. Phillip Bean
Ms. Nancy Henley, Official Designee for Mayor Philip King, City of Bardwell 
Fulton County Members   Judge/Executive Jim Martin
Mr. John Wiley Gannon, Official Designee for Mayor Heath Carlton, City of Hickman
Mr. Mike Gunn, Official Designee for Mayor David Prater, City of Fulton
Mr. Perry Turner
Mr. Greg Curlin 
Graves County Members  Mr. Richie Galloway, Official Designee for Judge/Executive Jesse Perry
Mayor Kathy O’Nan, City of Mayfield
Mayor Charles Shelby, City of Wingo
Mr. Kenneth ‘Pete’ Galloway
Ms. Monica Jackson
Ms. Tamie Johnson 
 Hickman County Members     Judge/Executive Kenny Wilson
Mayor John Kelly, City of Clinton
Ms. Wynita Dillard
Mr. Ethan Cunningham
Marshall County MembersJudge/Executive Kevin Spraggs
Mayor Rita Dotson, City of Benton
Mr. John Ward, Official Designee for Mayor Colburn, City of Calvert City
Mr. Andrew Pagel
McCracken County Members   Judge/Executive Craig Clymer
Mayor George Bray, City of Paducah
County Commissioner Bill Bartleman
Mr. Arthur Boykin
LegislatorsSenator Danny Carroll
Senator Jason Howell
Representative Chris Freeland
Representative Richard Heath
Representative Mary Beth Imes
Representative Steven Rudy
Representative Randy Bridges